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2023春M3合わせ、少女シュバリエの「陥穽脱却ペルセポネ」のCD版です !This is not 3☆Ristorante's CD! This is CD of "Kansei Dakkyaku persephone" by Shojo Chevalier. It's released on April 30th 2023. Compose:Chihiro Umeno a.k.a Hoshibara Kagekidan Lyric:Touko Nomiya a.k.a 3☆Ristorante Vocal:Ritsu Kairi a.k.a Kattria. If you live abrosd,we recommend mp3 files. https://3rist.booth.pm/items/4721735 http://3ristorante.web.fc2.com/persephone/persephone.html

2023春M3合わせ、少女シュバリエの「陥穽脱却ペルセポネ」のCD版です !This is not 3☆Ristorante's CD! This is CD of "Kansei Dakkyaku persephone" by Shojo Chevalier. It's released on April 30th 2023. Compose:Chihiro Umeno a.k.a Hoshibara Kagekidan Lyric:Touko Nomiya a.k.a 3☆Ristorante Vocal:Ritsu Kairi a.k.a Kattria. If you live abrosd,we recommend mp3 files. https://3rist.booth.pm/items/4721735 http://3ristorante.web.fc2.com/persephone/persephone.html